How to configure synonyms & stopwords


With synonyms you can configure searchine to find results with equivalents you have configured for a word.
You can add synonyms in the portal by creating a synonym using the create action in the top right corner of the portal. The words you add to the synonyms field will be used as synonyms for each other unless you have specified words in the Refers to field. In which case the words from the synonyms field will only apply to the words from the Refers to field. Searchine only supports words separated by spaces and new lines and doesn't support phrases.


Create a synonym with the words: red, yellow, blue and with the following refers to: color.
When you search for red you would also get results that contain color. But if you were to search for color you wouldn't find results that contain red.

But if you were to create a synonym with the words: red, yellow, blue, color and no words in "refers to", you will get the same results when you look for red or color.

Once you have created and or updated some of the synonyms you can apply them bij publishing your subscription. This will automatically apply them to all your search configurations.



Searchine Site Search will automatically filter stopwords to improve search results on your website.
It is required to have a language attribute to your html element on your site. The selected language in the language attribute must be a ISO 639-1.
If the language can't be determined from the HTML element this will be mentioned in the crawl log of the page. The crawl log can be found under discover locations.

The filtering of stopwords is currently supported for the following language: English (en) and Dutch (nl).


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