Search suggestions widget templates

This page describes the templates you can override to enable you to customize the HTML output

The templates you can find on this page are default implementations provided as of june 2018. Changes might occur.

Result item

<script id="searchine-suggest" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<a href= "{{Uri}}" class="search-results-link">
    <div class="suggest-item">                 
        <div class="suggest-item-content">     

Template options:

{{Uri}} - The search results url
{{{Title}}} - Title of the search result with highlighting
{{{Description}}} - Description with highlighting



<script id="searchine-suggest-header" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<a href="javascript:;" class="js-picker-close close"></a>
<p>{{ showresultslabel }}</p>

Template options:

{{showresultslabel}} - The search results text (View labels)



<script id="searchine-suggest-footer" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<button class="button-search-results-more js-view-more-results">{{ viewallresultslabel }}</button>

Template options:

{{viewallresultslabel}} - The search results text (View labels)
Methods / Events